Safety and shut-off valves TERMOBREST PZK series, etc .
The safety shut-off valve (PPC) is designed to automatically stop the supply of gas to consumers in case of exceeding the pressure above the set limit of operation.
Such a valve is installed, as a rule, in gas control points and installations in front of the pressure regulator and provides control of the output pressure received behind the regulator. The signal about the deviation of the gas pressure from the set value is sent to the MPC via a pulse tube connected to the outlet pressure gas pipeline. The value of the controlled pressure is adjusted by adjusting the spring in the PPC. If the set pressure value behind the regulator is exceeded, the safety shut-off valve closes and shuts off the gas supply in the pipeline. It is possible to open the valve only in manual mode after eliminating the cause of excess gas pressure over the controlled one.
- Клапаны предохранительно-запорные газовые муфтовые DN15-50. Технические характеристики.
- Клапаны предохранительно-запорные газовые фланцевые DN15-100. Технические характеристики.
- Клапаны предохранительно-запорные газовые фланцевые DN125-200, стальные. Технические характеристики.
- Клапаны предохранительно-запорные стальные. Выдержка из каталога.
All TERMOBREST products
The company THERMOBREST has its own production facilities, modern high-quality equipment and highly qualified staff. -
Gas and oil and gas, chemical, food metallurgical industry, agro-industrial and thermal power complexes, housing and communal services, etc. -
Consistently high product quality is ensured by a clear organization of all stages of production and a strict quality control system.
Information Board TERMOBREST
- (727)345-47-04
- (3955)60-70-56
- (8182)63-90-72
- (8512)99-46-04
- (3852)73-04-60
- (4722)40-23-64
- (4162)22-76-07
- (4832)59-03-52
- (8352)28-53-07
- (351)202-03-61
- (8202)49-02-64
- (3022)38-34-83
- (395)279-98-46
- (4932)77-34-06
- (3412)26-03-58
- (4012)72-03-81
- (4842)92-23-67
- (843)206-01-48
- (3842)65-04-62
- (4212)92-98-04
- (8332)68-02-04
- (4966)23-41-49
- (4942)77-07-48
- (861)203-40-90
- (391)204-63-61
- (3522)50-90-47
- (4712)77-13-04
- (4742)52-20-81
- (3519)55-03-13
- (375)257-127-884
- (495)268-04-70
- (8152)59-64-93
- (8552)20-53-41
- (831)429-08-12
- (3843)20-46-81
- (383)227-86-73
- (3496)41-32-12
- (3812)21-46-40
- (4862)44-53-42
- (3532)37-68-04
- (8412)22-31-16
- (342)205-81-47
- (8142)55-98-37
- (8112)59-10-37
- (863)308-18-15
- (4912)46-61-64
- (812)309-46-40
- (846)206-03-16
- (8342)22-96-24
- (845)249-38-78
- (8692)22-31-93
- (3652)67-13-56
- (4812)29-41-54
- (862)225-72-31
- (8652)20-65-13
- (3462)77-98-35
- (8212)25-95-17
- (4752)50-40-97
- (998)71-205-18-59
- (8482)63-91-07
- (3822)98-41-53
- (4872)33-79-87
- (4822)63-31-35
- (3452)66-21-18
- (347)229-48-12
- (3012)59-97-51
- (8422)24-23-59
- (8672)28-90-48
- (4922)49-43-18
- (423)249-28-31
- (844)278-03-48
- (8172)26-41-59
- (473)204-51-73
- (4112)23-90-97
- (4852)69-52-93
- (343)384-55-89